Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 206
NA - Nord America 164
AS - Asia 36
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 407
Nazione #
IT - Italia 184
US - Stati Uniti d'America 164
SG - Singapore 24
DE - Germania 10
FR - Francia 10
IN - India 8
CN - Cina 3
AT - Austria 2
BR - Brasile 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 407
Città #
Chicago 150
Rome 138
Milan 26
L’Aquila 17
Paris 10
Hyderabad 8
Witten 6
Yinchuan 3
Langen 2
Bangkok 1
Verona 1
Vila Velha 1
Totale 363
Nome #
Can We Ethically Influence Learning Processes by Technology? Effects of Interruptions on Knowledge Assessment 14
A Research Toolbox: A Complete Suite for Analysis in Digital Humanities 11
Gamification: A Semantic Approach for User Driven Knowledge Conservation 8
A Research Toolbox: A Complete Suite for Analysis in Digital Humanities 7
A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods 7
Advanced Wearable Devices for Monitoring Sweat Biochemical Markers in Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Review 7
3rd workshop on context-awareness in retrieval and recommendation (CaRR 2013) 7
Lean Six Sigma roadmap for Quality Assurance of Biomedical Ontologies 6
2nd International Workshop on Semantic Adaptive Social Web (SASWeb 2011) 6
Analysing and visualizing tweets for U.S. president popularity 6
Analysing and Visualising Open Data Within the Data and Analytics Framework 6
A comparison of how demographic data affects recommendation 6
Create Dashboards and Data Story with the Data & Analytics Frameworks 6
The Use of Lean Six Sigma Methodology in Digital Curation 5
CAMRa '10: Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation 5
The use of lean six sigma methodology in digital curation 5
Preface 5
4th Workshop on Context-Awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation (CaRR 2014) 5
The Repository of Textbook Research – Integrating all Open Data on Textbooks into a Middleware with Multilingual Accessibility 5
Blockchain framework in digital government for the certification of authenticity, timestamping and data property 5
4th Workshop on Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS 2012) 5
DAI Approaches to the TAC-KBP 2011 Entity Linking Task 5
Zugänge zu Daten aus der Bildungsmedienforschung am Thema Religion 4
A Meta Search Engine for User Adaptive Information Retrieval Interfaces for Desktop and Mobile Devices 4
Interconnecting and Managing Multilingual Lexical Linked Data 4
Blockchain Framework in Digital Government for the Certification of Authenticity, Timestamping and Data Property 4
Digital Humanities and Digital Curation 4
Adaptive music news recommendations based on large semantic datasets 4
Aggregation and Maintenance of Multilingual Linked Data 4
Analysing and Visualising Open Data Within the Data and Analytics Framework 4
KMulE: A Framework for User-based Comparison of Recommender Algorithms 3
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM-TIST): Special Issue on Twitter and microblogging services, social recommender systems, and CAMRa2010 3
Toward a Responsible Fairness Analysis: From Binary to Multiclass and Multigroup Assessment in Graph Neural Network-Based User Modeling Tasks 3
Adaptive support for cross-language text retrieval 3
The Smart-TSH-Finder: Crawling and Analyzing Tempo-Spatial Hotspots in Second Life 3
Predicting employee attrition using machine learning techniques 3
Knowledge Organisation for Digital Libraries 3
Enriching videos with automatic place recognition in google maps 3
Named entity disambiguation for German news articles 3
CMDIfication process for textbook resources 3
Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0 Technologies for supporting Collaboration Engineering 3
A Corpus-based approach to improve Arabic/English Cross-language Information Retrieval 3
Workshop on Semantic Personalized Information Management (SPIM'13) 3
Semantic Adaptive Social Web 3
Spectral Analysis of Signed Graphs for Clustering, Prediction and Visualization 3
Create Dashboards and Data Story with the Data & Analytics Frameworks 3
A Word Sense-Oriented User Interface for Interactive Multilingual Text Retrieval 3
CaRR '11: Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation 3
A Corpus for Evaluating Semantic Multilingual Web Retrieval Systems: The Sense Folder Corpus 3
Improving the Knowledge Organization of Linguistic Resources 2
Proceedings of the the first workshop on personalised multilingual hypertext retrieval (PMHR 2011) 2
Visualization, Interaction and Analysis of Heterogeneous Textbook Resources 2
Identifying Sentence-Level Semantic Content Units with Topic Models 2
Using Multilingual Ontologies for Adaptive Web-based Language Exploration 2
Knowledge Management for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (KM-HADR) 2
How social relationships affect user similarities 2
Extending the Linked Data Cloud with Multilingual Lexical Linked Data 2
Latent Semantic Social Graph Model for Expert Discovery in Facebook 2
Revised N-Gram based Automatic Spelling Correction Tool to Improve Retrieval Effectiveness 2
Example-based NLP for Minority Languages: Tasks, Resources and Tools 2
Digital Infrastructures for Digital Humanities in International Textbook Research 2
Vereinheitlichung internationaler Bibliothekskataloge 2
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semantic Personalized Information Management (SPIM 2010) 2
Semantic-based Expert Search in Textbook Research Archives 2
Report on the 4th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation (CaRR 2014) 2
SERUM: Collecting Semantic User Behavior for Improved News Recommendations 2
Collaboration Ontology: Applying Collaboration Knowledge to a Generic Group Support System 2
Using clustering methods to improve ontology-based query term disambiguation: Research Articles 2
Semantic Enrichment for Adaptive Expert Search 2
Disambiguate Yourself. Supporting Users in Searching Documents with Query Disambiguation Suggestions 2
Proceedings of the second Workshop on Semantic Personalized Information Management: Retrieval and Recommendation 2011, Bonn, Germany, October 24, 2011 2
Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet 2
Multimedia Retrieval: Fundamental Techniques and Principles of Adaptivity 2
CARSA - An Architecture for the Development of Context Adaptive Retrieval Systems 2
Digital Infrastructures for Digital Humanities in International Textbook Research 2
User Modeling for the Social Semantic Web 2
Digital transformation of research processes in the humanities 2
The Importance of Ontology Based User Modeling and Adaptation in Information Retrieval 2
Group recommendation in context 2
Putting things in context: Challenge on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation 2
LexiRes RDF/OWL Editor: Maintaining Multilingual Resources 2
Welt der Kinder. Semantisches Information Retrieval als Zugang zu Wissensbeständen des 19. Jahrhunderts 2
Partially Squeezing the Resources of the Web of Data Towards Applications 2
Movie recommendation in context 2
Second Workshop on Context-awareness in Recommendation and Retrieval (CaRR2012): An overview 2
Proceedings of the Workshop on context-awareness in retrieval and recommendation (CaRR 2011) 2
Workshop on Lexical Resources for Knowledge Organization (Wissensorganisation 2015). In conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2015) 2
Rebuilding Lexical Resources for Information Retrieval using Sense Folder Detection and Merging Methods 2
Exploiting hierarchical tags for context-awareness 2
Converting EuroWordNet in OWL and Extending It with Domain Ontologies 2
Connecting and Mapping LOD and CMDI Through Knowledge Organization 2
The link prediction problem in bipartite networks 2
Pattern recognition in multivariate time series 2
Context-awareness in recommender systems: research workshop and movie recommendation challenge 2
Semantic architectures and dashboard creation processes within the data and analytics framework 2
Sharing Knowledge Engineering for Digital Humanities 2
MultiLexExplorer: Combining Multilingual Web Search with Multilingual Lexical Resources 2
Personalized Learning to Rank Applied to Search Engines 2
Including Knowledge Domains from the ICC into the Multilingual Lexical Linked Data Cloud 2
Serum: collecting semantic user behavior for improved news recommendations 2
Totale 333
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.129
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.129

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025420 0 0 0 0 2 2 55 334 27 0 0 0
Totale 420