Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 24
Totale 24
Nazione #
IT - Italia 20
FR - Francia 4
Totale 24
Città #
Milan 18
Paris 4
Florence 2
Totale 24
Nome #
Smart farming for food security and sustainability: facing the dilemma of small companies - the Siena Food Lab project 5
Familiness Constrained: some evidences from Small Tuscan Wineries 4
Introduction 4
Wine Wars Book Review 4
Encyclopaedia of Sustainable Tourism, 4
Having a Great Vacation and Blaming the Wines: An Attribution Theory Perspective on Consumer Attachments to Regional Brands 3
l modello "slow tourism": coinvolgimento degli stakeholders, efficacia e sostenibilità dell'iniziativa "Salina Isola Slow" 3
I Cal Italian Wine 3
The Good Entrepreneur - Mapping the role of entrepreneurship in society 3
How (Ch)easy is developing a new product? A cheese-case, in Phillips (eds) 2
Plant-Based Food Consumption. Products, Consumers and Strategies 2
The Nutraceutical Industry: trends and dynamics 2
Sailing in an Olive Oil Ocean: Italian Producers Facing New Challenges from the Mediterranean Area 2
Food and Wine Events in Europe: a stakeholder approach 2
Cornering Authenticity in Wine Tourism: The Case of Tuscany 2
The adaptive strategy of the Italian Food Bank: a case study 1
Empowerment and Engagement in small enterprises – the case of the Tuscan Wine Hub / Responsabilizzazione e coinvolgimento nelle piccole imprese - il caso del Wine Hub della Toscana 1
Stella di Campalto Winery: the Biodynamic Pioneer in Montalcino 1
Pride & Prejudice: marketing myopia in Italian Wineries. Can managers be educated to market orientation? 1
Fostering entrepreneurial education in Agribusiness through experiential learning 1
Using attribution theory to explain tourists' attachments to place-based brands 1
Exploring the determinants of Marketing Innovative behaviors in wine SMEs: an explorative case study in the Apulian wine Business 1
The Business of Wine Tourism: Evolution and Challenges 1
The challenging path towards a hydroponic indoor home cultivation system: the case of Nutritower 1
WWW: World Wine Web, Vino & Qualità 1
Reducing Information Gap and Increasing Market Orientation in the Agribusiness Sector: Some Evidences from Apulia Region 1
The drink driving dilemma in connection with food and wine events 1
Enhancing SMEs potentialities by avoiding marketing myopia: an integrated academic-practitioner approach 1
Issues still left on the "table" 1
Food and WIne Events in Europe: a Stakeholder Approach 1
Are you ready for the unexpected? The case of the Brunello Scandal 1
Managing the wine business: research issues and cases 1
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in the wine industry: the Wine Lab experience 1
Category convergence and product innovation: the competitive scenario for microbreweries 1
Deceptive advertising and unfair commercial practices in the agrifood sector: The role of the Ital-ian competition authority 1
The Drink Driving Dilemma in Connection with Food & Wine Events: A Cross-National Evaluation of Best-Practice Solutions from different Stakeholders’ Points-of-View 1
Chinese immigrants socio-economic enclave in an Italian industrial district: the case of Prato 1
L’Evoluzione in corso secondo l’opinione di alcuni testimoni privilegiati 1
The importance of a stakholder approach to investigate (and plan) food and wine events 1
Innovazione di prodotto nel mercato lattiero caseario: il caso Cooperlat 1
Sustainability in Wine: marketing challenges 1
Building Wine Reputation: an Explorative Study in Umbria 1
Typical plant-based food from a nutraceutical perspective: The case of the Marche region 1
Politiche di Partecipazione al Capitale di Rischio: il Caso di Toscana Innovazione 1
Preserving the Authenticity of Food and Wine festivals: the case of Italy 1
Marketing Research and Sensory Analysis: a Reasoned Review and Agenda of their Contribution to Market Orientation in Wine Industry 1
Desperately Seeking Serendipity: Exploring the Impact of Country Location on Innovation in the Wine Industry 1
Local Administrative Services to reduce barriers to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities: understanding the reasons behind the difference in user satisfaction 1
Design and food robots: Changing processes in the restaurant industry 1
Action Research: una metodologia di ricerca per gli studi d'impresa 1
Internationalisation drivers in the wine business: a RBV perspective 1
Organic and Made in Tuscany Spirulina: the story of Severino Becagli 1
Big Bets, Small Wins? Entrepreneurial BEHAVIOR AND ROI: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY 1
Universities and Wineries: Supporting Sustainable Development in Disadvantaged Rural Areas 1
Give me a Marketing Lever and I will Sustain my Wine: Sustainability and Marketing Mix in the Wine Business 1
Sustainability in the wine industry: key questions and research trends 1
Nutraceutical and functional value of carob-based products The LBG Sicilia Srl Case Study 1
Marketing Research and Sensory Analysis: a Reasoned Review and Agenda of their Contribution to Market Orientation in Food Industry 1
Action Research: una metodologia di ricerca per lo studio d'impresa 1
Reducing the distance between thinkers and doers in the entrepreneurial discovery process: An exploratory study 1
Wine Clubs as a marketing tool for segmenting customers, building winery loyalty and image: some empirical evidences 1
The importance of a stakholder approach to investigate (and plan) food and wine events 1
Exploiting Tourism Potentialities in mountain wine sites: an ongoing international project 1
Orientation toward sustainability in the wine industry: a literature review/ Orientamento alla sostenibilità nell’industria vitivinicola: una rassegna della letteratura 1
Niche Strategy in the wine business 1
Conclusions: issues still left on the table 1
Ecopreneurship and Ecopreneurs: Limits, Trends and Characteristics 1
Perceived efficacy of sustainability strategies in the US, Italian, and Spanish wine industries 1
Food tourism and foodies in Italy: The role of the Mediterranean diet between resilience and sustainability 1
Brunellopoli: wine scandal under the Tuscan sun 1
Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing in the Wine Business 1
Nuovi scenari per il vino Bio 1
Dall’Action Research all’experiential education: una conversazione tra università e impresa 1
Sull’opportunità di entrare in GDO 1
Italian Wineries and Strategic Options: the role of Premium Bag in BOX 1
Mind the “academician-practitioner” gap: an experience-based model in the food and beverage sector 1
Desperately Seeking Serendipity 1
Old World Wineries and Market Orientation: some Empirical Evidences from Italian Wine Industry 1
Sustainable Development And Enterprises Choices In Wine Industry: A Case-Study in the Italian Context 1
Local Administrative Services to reduce barriers to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities: understanding the reasons behind the difference in user satisfaction 1
Female ecopreneurship in the Italian Fashion Industry: a preliminary study 1
Targeting Hispanic Market: Ceja Vineyards 1
Wine Tourism and Consumer Behaviour: an esplorative study in Tuscany and Marche. 1
Politiche di Ingegneria Finanziaria: La partecipazione al capitale di rischio di imprese innovative. Strumenti di valutazione 1
Alcune riflessioni sul rapporto di subfornitura nell’industria della meccanica fine in Toscana 1
Wine Clubs and direct Sales, learning a lesson from the USA 1
The tale of two Italian regions: wine tourism in Marche and Tuscany 1
Chinese Entrepreneurial Model: an empirical investigation on Prato Industrial District 1
Ceja Vineyards: Marketing to the Hispanic wine consumer? 1
Exploiting Tourism Potentialities in mountain wine sites: an ongoing international project. Forth International Congress On Mountain And Steep Slope Viticulture 1
Case Studies in the Traditional Food Sector: A volume in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing series 1
Entrepreneurial Responses to Globalization: an empirical analysis of the Prato Industrial District in Italy 1
Sensory sciences and competitiveness in the wine business 1
The Risk™ of rural tourism: how sensory analysis can help in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage 1
Preserving the Authenticity of Food and Wine festivals: the case of Italy 1
Organic Retailers in Italy: challenges and growth trends 1
Exploring social marketing landscapes: a review of healthy food campaigns. African Journal of Business Management 1
The Tale of two Italian Regions: Wine Tourism in Marche and Tuscany 1
Building wine reputation: an explorative study in Umbria 1
Nuove tendenze nei servizi per le produzioni di qualità: il caso del Centro Italiano di Analisi Sensoriale 1
Totale 130
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.112
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.112

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025132 0 0 0 0 0 101 22 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 132