Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 35
NA - Nord America 2
Totale 37
Nazione #
IT - Italia 33
FR - Francia 2
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2
Totale 37
Città #
Milan 20
Florence 4
Paris 2
Pescara 2
Cogliate 1
Lucca 1
Pontedera 1
Totale 31
Nome #
Effects of the Italian Law on Patient Safety and Health Professional Responsibilities Five Years after Its Approval by the Italian Parliament. Healthcare (Basel) 10
Entropy-based Assessment of Nonfunctional Requirements in Axiomatic Design, 7
Physical and stressful psychological impacts of prolonged personal protective equipment use during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey study 7
Combined Axiomatic Design-MCDA Method for Selecting Medical Systems Operating on a Common Telemedicine Platform 6
Digitally Sustainable Information Systems in Axiomatic Design 6
Robust Privacy Assessment in Transnational Healthcare Systems 6
Anti-COVID-19 Vaccination in the Italian General Population: Proactive Clinical Risk Analysis Using Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis Technique 5
Assessing the quality of a health service through the risk profile number (RPN) 3
Development of a new washing machine in olive oil extraction plant: A first application of usability-based approach 3
Functional Case Test Design to Optimize the Software Development in Italian Tax Processes (Part II): The F23 Tax Payment Form 3
Robust Privacy Assessment in Transnational Healthcare Systems 2
Telemedicine in Italy, the starting point 2
Behavior Based Safety: un modello di gestione del comportamento per la riduzione dei rischi sul lavoro 2
La Gestione della sicurezza e la valutazione dei rischi 2
Axiomatic Design for an Efficient Development of Optimized RPM Systems 2
Development of a new washing machine in olive oil extraction plant: A first application of usability-based approach 2
Conceptual design of a Decision Support System for the economic sustainability of nonprofit organizations 2
Improved FMEA methods for proactive health care risk assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of COVID-19 remote patient telemonitoring 2
Conceptual design of a Decision Support System for the economic sustainability of nonprofit organizations. In: 9th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2015) 2
Axiomatic Selection of Health and Social Care Web Services on the Basis of Use Cases 2
Conceptual framework for user based RPM 2
Analisi dei dati infortunistici 2
Clinical risk evaluation of medical device software: an axiomatic design-based methodology 2
Axiomatic Design for an Efficient Development of Optimized RPM Systems 2
“Valutazione del rischio da stress correlato al lavoro – Progetto pilota” - Commissione di Ateneo per la ricerca-intervento sul rischio da stress correlato al lavoro 2
Axiomatic Selection of Health and Social Care Web Services on the Basis of Use Cases 2
Conceptual Design of a Decision Support System for the Economic Sustainability of Nonprofit Organizations 2
Robust design of web services supporting the home administration of drug infusion in pediatric oncology 1
Qualità nel contesto industriale 1
Functional Case Test Design to Optimize the Software Development in Italian Tax Processes (Part I): Methodology Definition 1
“Rischio Mobbing: una proposta per un approccio multidisciplinare” 1
Qualità nel Contesto Industriale 1
Il lavoro che cambia: gli effetti della digitalizzazione sulla salute e la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro 1
Functional Case Test Design to Optimize the Software Development in Italian Tax Processes (Part I): Methodology Definition 1
Valutazione del rischio da stress correlato al lavoro. Progetto pilota 1
Functional Case Test Design to Optimize the Software Development in Italian Tax Processes (Part II): The F23 Tax Payment Form 1
Robust design of web services supporting the home administration of drug infusion in pediatric oncology 1
User Experience - una proposta per un Sistema Sanitario 4.0 1
Sicurlandia – Acquisire comportamenti sicuri: l’idea del parco giochi come veicolo di formazione 1
Conceptual framework for user based RPM 1
Totale 103
Categoria #
all - tutte 678
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 678

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025103 0 0 0 40 16 3 44 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 103